Review of MileHIGHCleaner by MileHIGH Cleaner

This came to me from my friend Jim Berry who invented this cleaner.

It’s totally amazing the things I learned after researching MileHIGHCleaner! I mean the fact that you don’t have to use alcohol to keep a clean piece. In fact, it’s no good for you or the environment. For example did you know that ISO Alcohol is made from fossil fuels, or that it’s considered toxic to humans and is like Round Up weed killer, a known cancer causing agent? Well I didn’t!

So my friend knew there had to be a human and environmental friendly product. And BABAMMMMM MileHIGHCleaner was invented.

MileHIGHCleaner came up with a way to put Science and Nature to work together to remove resin from your glass and fabric. It’s made from renewable, sustainable, plant based, organic, and biodegradable. It’s odorless, kills germs and fungus, yet it’s so natural you can actually eat it. Plus it’s cheaper to use than alcohol!It changes the molecular structure of the resin and makes it no longer sticky which makes it as easy as doing dishes. No soaking, nothing like that that at all, 30 drops will clean any size pipe or bong. The kit comes with brushes and all you need to keep your piece clean!

I absolutely love it and will just be using this from now on. You can check the out at

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